var Effect = (function() { var Slider = function(o) { this.setting = typeof o === 'object' ? o : {}; = || o.targetElement; this.showMarkers = this.setting.showMarkers || false; this.showControls = this.setting.showControls || false; this.timer = null; this.currentTime = null; = 100; this.autoMs = 6000; this.iTarget = 0; this.nextTarget = 0; this.speed = 0; this.init(); this.handleEvent(); }; Slider.prototype = { init: function() { this.obj = document.getElementById(; this.oUl = this.obj.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; this.aUlLis = this.oUl.getElementsByTagName('li'); this.width = this.aUlLis[0].offsetWidth; this.number = this.aUlLis.length; = this.width * this.number + 'px'; if(this.showMarkers) { var oDiv = document.createElement('div'); var aLis = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.number; i++) { aLis.push('
  • '+ (i+1) +'<\/li>'); }; oDiv.innerHTML = '
      '+ aLis.join('') +'<\/ol>'; this.obj.appendChild(oDiv.firstChild); this.aLis = this.obj.getElementsByTagName('ol')[0].getElementsByTagName('li'); this.aLis[0].className = 'active'; oDiv = null; }; if(this.showControls) { var div1180 = document.getElementById('div-auto1180'); this.oPrev = document.createElement('p'); this.oNext = document.createElement('p'); this.oPrev.className = 'prev'; //this.oPrev.innerHTML = '«'; this.oNext.className = 'next'; //this.oNext.innerHTML = '»'; if(div1180){ div1180.appendChild(this.oPrev); div1180.appendChild(this.oNext); }else{ this.obj.appendChild(this.oPrev); this.obj.appendChild(this.oNext); } }; }, handleEvent: function() { var that = this; this.currentTime = setInterval(function() { that.autoPlay(); }, this.autoMs); this.addEvent(this.obj, 'mouseover', function() { clearInterval(that.currentTime); }); this.addEvent(this.obj, 'mouseout', function() { that.currentTime = setInterval(function() { that.autoPlay(); }, that.autoMs); }); if(this.showMarkers) { for(var i = 0; i < this.number; i++) { var el = this.aLis[i]; (function(index) { that.addEvent(el, 'mouseover', function() { that.goTime(index); }); })(i); }; }; if(this.showControls) { this.addEvent(this.oPrev, 'click', function() { that.fnPrev(); }); this.addEvent(this.oNext, 'click', function() { that.autoPlay(); }); }; }, addEvent: function(el, type, fn) { if(window.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener(type, fn, false); } else if(window.attachEvent) { el.attachEvent('on' + type, fn); }; }, fnPrev: function() { this.nextTarget--; if(this.nextTarget < 0) { this.nextTarget = this.number - 1; }; this.goTime(this.nextTarget); }, autoPlay: function() { this.nextTarget++; if(this.nextTarget >= this.number) { this.nextTarget = 0; }; this.goTime(this.nextTarget); }, goTime: function(index) { var that = this; if(this.showMarkers) { for(var i = 0; i < this.number; i++) { i == index ? this.aLis[i].className = 'active' : this.aLis[i].className = ''; }; }; this.iTarget = -index * this.width; if(this.timer) { clearInterval(this.timer); }; this.timer = setInterval(function() { that.doMove(that.iTarget); },; }, doMove: function(target) { = this.speed + 'px'; this.speed += (target - this.oUl.offsetLeft) / 3; if(Math.abs(target - this.oUl.offsetLeft) === 0) { = target + 'px'; clearInterval(this.timer); this.timer = null; }; } }; return { slider: function(o) { var tt = new Slider(o); } }; })();